The Finnish Society for Synthetic Chemistry and

Aalto University School of Chemical Technology commemorate

the 110th anniversary of Komppa's Camphor synthesis

and invite you to

the 2013 Spring Meeting


Important information:

The venue of the meeting is the Chemistry Building, lecture hall KE1 (building 11 on Otaniemi Campus map)

address for taxi: Biologinkuja 1, Otaniemi

Poster board size: A0, Posters should be put up on Monday






It is our great pleasure to welcome you all to the 13th Spring Meeting of the Finnish Society for Synthetic Chemistry. Since the relatively late establishment initially as a division of the Finnish Chemical Society (only in 1992!), our Society has become an active forum for meetings and training of graduate students on national level. Soon after the inauguration of the Division, we celebrated the 90th anniversary of the legendary total synthesis of camphor by Gustaf Komppa. This is why we early on chose the structure of camphor as the logo for the symposium. In the first symposium, the logo was a simple line drawing, and over the years it evolved through molecular modeling structures to the one adopted after the big Komppa Centenary Symposium held in 2003 at the Helsinki University of Technology.

The symposium is aimed at our most valuable asset and resource, Ph.D. students. We have attracted a good number of internationally highly recognized speakers and also allow ample time for the graduate students to present their work both as oral communications and in poster format.

Main page


Scientific programme

Map of Otaniemi

Bus Routes for Helsinki - Espoo


Abstract book




Last update 22.06.2013